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Dec 03

Christmas Stamps Gibraltar designed by St.Bernadette’s Service Users

Original paintings Christmas Stamps Gibraltar

This year’s Gibraltar Christmas stamps are artworks extracted from a magnificent Christmas collage created by 33 artists at the St.Bernadette Resource Centre in Gibraltar to celebrate the International Day of People with Disability in December.

Nov 25

Chemnitz or Karl-Marx-Stadt?

Karl Marx on postage stamps

Chemnitz, located in the German state of Saxony was, after Leipzig and Dresden, the largest city in the former German Democratic Republic (DDR). Chemnitz was a major railway junction and heavily bombed in the Second World War. From May 10, 1953 until May 31, 1990 the city was known as…Read More

Nov 20

New stamps (4)

Azarbaijan stamps

Day after day new postage stamps are issued depicting a variety of topics. Below you can find a selection of these releases from the whole world.

Nov 17

Association football, or soccer

The popularity of the sport of Association Football, more commonly known nowadays as football or soccer, grows and grows. Today the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup tournament is the biggest single-event sporting competition in the world and is contested by the men’s national teams from the 208…Read More

Nov 13

Three awards for Finnish stamps in international design competitions

Sanna Manders kantele winning stamp design

Juries of professionals have recognized three Finnish stamp designs with awards in international design competitions in September and October 2014. The awards were given to Sanna Mander’s kantele stamp design for National Instruments and to Christmas Hug and Orchid, both designed by Ari Lakaniemi and Susanna Rumpu.

Nov 11

Commemorating the end of World War I

France stamp commemorating the end of World War I

The 11th of November marks a special day in World history. It was at 11 a.m. on that day 96 years ago that an agreement came into force that officially ended the First World War. The agreement, which was signed in a railway carriage, was called the Armistice of Compiègne,…Read More

Nov 06

Summer Camp Stamps from North Korea

Children Camp stamps North Korea

North Korea recently issued a few stamps that caught our attention. The first, pictured here, showing a group of seemingly happy, sportily-clad children flocking admiringly around the great leader Kim Jong-un. Such a scene on a North Korean stamp is not very unique of course – it was the text…Read More

Nov 04

Paul Puvilland, Stampdesigner

  There is a big chance that you’ve seen the work of the French Engraver/Comic Artist/ Stamp Designer Paul Puvilland, who has been responsible for a lot of stampdesigns over the years. We have contacted Paul to ask him some questions about stampdesign.

Oct 29

The St. Patrick’s Battalion

St Patricks battalion postage stamp Ireland

On September 12, 1997, Mexico and Ireland made a joint stamp issue commemorating the 150 Anniversary of the Irish volunteers who fought for Mexico in the Mexican American War, 1846-1847.

Oct 21

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies stamps

Smaug stamp New Zealand

‘The Hobbit: The Battle Of Five Armies’ brings to an epic conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield and the Company of Dwarves. To commemorate the final film in this thrilling trilogy, New Zealand Post has created official stamps from Middle-earth.
