Cool Timeline

Stamps Recently Added to Stock
Thousands of items are added weekly to PostBeeld’s vast stock. Here we have a very small selection from Nigeria, Brazil, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana and Vietnam: A fine set of mint, never-hinged definitives from 1965. The colourful artwork depicts wild animals native to Nigeria. Also mint, never-hinged. This Nigeria definitives set from…Read More
PostBeeld Monthly Auctions
You may not be aware that every first day of the month PostBeeld holds an auction that includes many unique pieces that could be of interest to philatelists. Auction lots are added up to and including the 15th day of the previous month and bidding is always possible from the…Read More
Singapore Flora and Fauna
Singapore Flora and Fauna Here is a small selection of stamps from Singapore featuring the country’s flora and fauna. Our featured stamp sheet is one of a limited edition of 9,000 pieces produced for the Singapore World Stamp Exhibition in 1995. Quite a rare item and as I write still…Read More
Polish Art
Many of us Europeans are aware of great artists from France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Great Britain etc. and we don’t tend to know much about art from the eastern reaches of the continent. Consequently, here are some definitives from Poland, issued in 1971, featuring enchanting portraits of women by Polish…Read More
We’re Back!
Unfortunately we fell victim to a hacker back in March this year, which resulted in enormous problems for the Freestampmagazine service we hope our readers enjoy. I’m pleased to announce we’re up and running again so please keep a look out for our first article in six months. Happy collecting.
Stamps Recently Added to Stock
Here we have a very small selection of stamp sheets from Great Britain recently added to PostBeeld’s vast stock. Please visit PostBeeld’s website for a more comprehensive view of many more. In 2012 Great Britain hosted the Olympic Games, previously held in London in 1948. The sheet features sports contested…Read More
Focus on France 2023
There were so many great stamps issued by France last year I find it difficult to make a small selection for this article! Above and below: could these be the first postage stamps depicting electric bicycles? Please enlighten me if this is not the case. La Poste has partnered with…Read More
The Year of the Dragon
This year, 2024, is the Year of the Wood Dragon and the Chinese New Year, which begins on February 10th, will be celebrated in dozens of countries across the World. The dragon is considered to be one of the luckiest and most powerful animals in the Chinese 12-year zodiac cycle. There…Read More
Shirley Bassey Celebrated
In 2023 Great Britain’s Royal Mail issued various philatelic items to commemorate the remarkable 70-year career of the Welsh-born singer Dame Shirley Bassey. Shown above is the cover of a Royal Mail Prestige Stamp Book, an informative 24-page publication written by British music journalist and broadcaster Lucy O’Brien. The book…Read More
Christmas Stamps
Staff at Freestampmagazine and PostBeeld wish our readers and buying customers a very happy time over the Christmas and New Year period. Christmas (from the Anglo-Saxon: Cristesmæsse, meaning “Christ’s Mass”) is the annual festival that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, observed most commonly on December 25 as a religious…Read More