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Children’s Favourites

Children’s Favourites

Long before the days of kids spending hours glued to their Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox computer gaming consoles, stamp collecting was an extremely popular hobby for children. Postage stamp issuing authorities around the World constantly release stamps aimed at the young or young at heart.


The History of Stamp Collecting Part 23 – Postage Stamp Polka

The History of Stamp Collecting Part 23 – Postage Stamp Polka

In the first edition of the German magazine ‘Das Magazin für Briefmarken-Sammler’ from May 1863, there was an advertisement which announced the appearance of the “Briefmarken-Polka für das Pianoforte” (The Postage Stamp Polka for the Pianoforte) by J. V. Hamm, with images of 42 colourful stamps, published by C.F.W. Siegel in Leipzig.


Finding the Right Formula

Finding the Right Formula

The above stamp was issued by Hungary in 2010 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Hungarian Grand Prix for Formula 1 racing cars. As with so many stamps, there is a historical significance attached to that particular issue.

In 1986, after a failed attempt to host a race in the former Soviet Union, then Formula 1 franchise owner Bernie Ecclestone signed a contract in London for the first five years of the Hungarian Grand Prix. A track was quickly built and the first race was held on August 10th, 1986.


New from The Netherlands

New from The Netherlands

PostNL issues a ‘Life in the North Sea’ commemorative stamp sheetlet today. This contains illustrations of plants and animals found in the North Sea region, drawn by four scientific illustrators from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden.


Missing person?

Missing person?

In June a modern German rarity that was not supposed to exist was auctioned by the firm Christoph Gaertner in Berlin. Incredibly, the stamp was sold for 150,060 euros! Only four single examples are known to exist.
The 5-stamp set shown top featuring film stars Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe and Jean Gabin was issued the German Bundespost in 2001. But the set originally printed included a stamp with a publicity shot of Audrey Hepburn, taken to advertise the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


Flower Power

Flower Power

In 1968 the Falklands Islands issued the attractive definitive set of stamps shown below. They featured flowers native to the Islands.
Then in 1971, as Great Britain was about to adopt a decimal currency system, the stamps were reissued overprinted with the new value amounts.


The History of Stamp Collecting Part 22 – Stamp Craft

The History of Stamp Collecting Part 22 – Stamp Craft

In the late 1970s a fascinating series of articles written by Mr. K. Kouwenberg about the history of Stamp Collecting, appeared in the Dutch magazine Philatelie. This series has been the source of inspiration for PostBeeld owner Rob Smit to rewrite the history of stamp collecting in instalments. This is Part 22.


You Saxy Beast

You Saxy Beast

In 2014 the town of Dinant, and particularly the ”Association Internationale A. Sax”, celebrated the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of the inventor of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax.


Bella Italia! (Part 1)

Bella Italia! (Part 1)

As with the above Europa stamps issued in 2004 on the subject of vacations, here we celebrate the beautiful land/seascapes found in Italy and the designers/artists responsible for the attractive stamps issued since the 1970s on the topic of Tourism.

Unfortunately, I can’t find much information about the designers/artists of the stamps shown in this article apart from their names. I would be more than grateful if anyone can provide any information about them.




Jacqueline (Jackie) Cochran (1906-1980), was an American pilot who held more speed, distance, and altitude records than any other flyer during her career.

In 1935 Cochran became the first woman to enter the Bendix Transcontinental Air Race but had to drop out due to mechanical problems. In 1937 she finished third, and in 1938 she won the Bendix Trophy, flying a civilian version of the Seversky P-35 fighter aircraft. Below is a Marshall Islands stamp from 2000, showing a P-35 in battle action.
