PostNL issues a ‘Life in the North Sea’ commemorative stamp sheetlet today. This contains illustrations of plants and animals found in the North Sea region, drawn by four scientific illustrators from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden.
The ten stamps on the Life in the North Sea stamp sheetlet show drawings of five inhabitants of the North Sea Region: a northern gannet in the air, a tub gurnard in the sea, a brown crab in the surf, bladder wrack and seaweed along the tide and Baltic clams, cut through shells and the egg case of a spotted ray on the beach. The individual illustrations are set against a background image of the North Sea, covering the entire sheetlet. All illustrations are contained within the perforations of the stamps; only the red bladder wrack continues on the tab next to the left stamp. The Dutch and Latin names of each species are listed next to each stamp on the tabs on both sides. The names of the scientific illustrators who made the illustrations are also listed. The top of the stamp sheetlet features the name of the issue, and at the bottom are the logos of Naturalis and PostNL with the technical details. The font used for the typography is Quicksand, created by Andrew Paglinawan.