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Jan 29

Stamp Errors Part 12 – The Clock Strikes Six Twice

Take a close look at these USSR stamps, issued in December 1984 for the New Year celebrations, which depict Moscow’s Spasskaya Tower. The tower’s clock reads ‘5 before 12’, but the stamp’s designer made a mistake by showing six o’clock on the dial twice!

Jan 25
Jan 13

Stamp Errors Part 11 – Richard or Adolph Wagner?

As the second highest value of a stamp series in honour of famous musicians/composers, this stamp from Paraguay appeared on July 1, 1980 with an edition of 35,000 copies. The stamp shows a reproduction of the painting ‘Dancers, Green and Pink’ by Edgar Degas in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,…Read More

Jan 08

Salvaged Mail

It was 03:30 on Christmas Day 1954 in driving rain when a British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Boeing 377 Stratocruiser aircraft crashed on landing at Prestwick Airport, Scotland. Twenty-eight of the thirty-six on board were killed. A horrible accident and a terrible loss of life. However some items survived the disaster,…Read More

Jan 05

Recently Added to Stock

PostBeeld continues daily to add hundreds of new stamps to its vast stock, hopefully with many items of interest to its customer base. Here is a small selection: Vanuatu, the independent island group in the South Pacific Ocean, issued this fine set if birds native to the islands in 1999.…Read More

Dec 30

Black Heritage – Part 6

Scott Joplin (1868-1917) was an African-American composer pianist and music teacher. Joplin achieved fame for his “ragtime” compositions and was known as the King of Ragtime. During his brief career, he wrote over 100 original ragtime music pieces, one ragtime ballet, and two operas. He began publishing music in 1895 and publication of…Read More

Dec 23

Merry Xmas Everybody

Before we continue with this article featuring a selection of 2020 Christmas stamps, I would like to take the opportunity to offer seasonal greetings from all of the staff here at PostBeeld to all readers of the Freestampmagazine and all visitors to the PostBeeld Webshop and Freestampcatalogue.

Dec 16

Polish Education Matters

This Polish stamp sheet was issued in 1946 with education as its subject. The letters B, I and E in the bottom right corner of the stamps indicate that Poland was then a member of the International Bureau of Education (BIE = Bureau International d’Education). What is now known as…Read More

Dec 12

A Greener Link

The opening of the Ceneri Base Tunnel in December 2020 will mark the completion of the New Rail Link through the Alps (NRLA), turning the dream of a flat rail link through the Alps into reality. The NRLA provides Switzerland with modern, high-performance rail infrastructure on Europe’s north-south corridor –…Read More

Dec 07

Space, the Final Frontier

The Soviet Union amazed the world on Nov. 3, 1957, with the launch of the small satellite Sputnik 2. On board was a small dog, Laika, the first animal to actually orbit Earth. Unfortunately Laika was doomed to die during the event as there was no recovery capability at that…Read More
