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Gnomes, Goblins and Elves

Gnomes, Goblins and Elves
Australia 2002

There are many postage stamps featuring imaginary characters from children’s stories and in 2002 Australia issued a stamp set showing figures from a book written for kids by Australian author John Marsden. Beginning top left we have: the Gnome; the Wizard and the Sprite. Bottom left the Bunyip – in Australian Aboriginal folklore a legendary monster said to inhabit the reedy swamps and lagoons of the interior of Australia; the Fairy and the Goblin.  

Slovenia 2013

A gnome and four-leaf clover represent good luck on a pair of New Year’s stamps issued by Slovenia in 2013.

Denmark 2016

Danish Post issued a set of stamps in 2016 showing traditional Danish “Nissen” (Gnomes or Pixies) in a variety of comic scenes. 

Aland 2013

This first day cover from Åland (2013) has a gnome-like figure that was sculpted by the man responsible for the design of the envelope and the stamp, Hakan Sandberg. The blue ribbon represents prostate cancer awareness, the stamp’s designer being a prostate cancer survivor. The Blue Ribbon charity stamp sold for €1.20, €0.20 of which was awarded to Åland’s Cancer Society.

Netherlands 2020

The stamp sheet above entitled “De wereld van de kabouter” (The world of the gnome) was issued in 2020 and commemorated the 25th anniversary of the death of Rien Poortvliet (1932-1995), a Dutch artist and illustrator. Poortvliet saw himself as a storyteller in drawings. His drawings told the tale, and at most he added a short caption. His works were extremely popular and translated in many languages.

Netherlands 2008

More kabouter/gnome stamps from the Netherlands, those above from 2008. Then, below, 12 mini sheets issued in 2016, designed by Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen with appropriate themes for the months of the year.

Netherlands 2016
United States of America 2022

In 2022 the USA produced a “Holiday Elves” booklet with stamps featuring elves, in this case the helpers of Father Christmas, preparing children’s toys for Christmas delivery.

Latvia 2022

And another Christmas issue from Latvia featuring elf-like characters.



India 1997

The set of four stamps issued by India in 1997 commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences in the city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh and show two plant fossils. Professor Birbal Sahni (1891–1949) was the first Indian to revive interest in the study of Indian plant fossils. He saw the potential of palaeobotanical research in India in understanding plant evolution, applying knowledge gained for the benefit of human welfare. The artwork of the two stamps seen right show the extinct plants Williamsonia sewardiana and Pentoxylon, while the fossils seen left are Glossopteris and Birbalsahnia divyadarshanii, the latter named after the palaeobotanists Birbal Sahni and Divya Darshan Pant (1919-2001).

Czechoslovakia 1968

The 23rd International Geological Congress to be held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1968 was the largest since the first IGC was held in 1878 in Paris. Unfortunately it was cancelled by the organisers on 23rd August 1968, two days after Warsaw Pact forces invaded the country. The stamps issued to commemorate the Congress feature fossils found in Czechoslovakia. The stamps depict: 30h – Hypophylloceras bizonatum; 60h – Palaeobatrachus grandipes; 80h – A cross-section of a mineral; 1Kcs – Chlamys gigas; and the 1.60 Kcs – Selenopeltis buchi buchi.

Algeria 1952

The two stamps above commemorated the XIX International Geological Congress, held in Algeria in 1952. The 15F stamp shows a fossil of an ammonite, Berbericeras sekikensis. The 30F shows a phonolite volcanic rock dyke in Hoggar, Algeria.

Ethiopia 1977

Ethiopia produced these fossil shell stamps in 1977. They show: 5c Terebratula Abyssinica; 10c Terebratula Subalata; 25c Cuculloea Lefeburiaua; 50c Ostrea (Gryphia) Plicatissima; and 90c Trigonia Cousobrina.

Hungary 1969

The year 1969 was the 100th anniversary of the Hungarian State Institute of Geology and the above commemorative stamp set was issued by the Hungarian postal service. It includes minerals and fossils stamps.

Greenland 2008

Greenland issued stamps in 2008 and 2009 with fossils as the subject. Above left is the worm-like Halkrieria evangelista, discovered in Cambran Period rocks on the Danish island Bornholm. The fossil on the stamp was found in North Greenland in 1980. The middle stamp shows Ichthyostega stensioei, one of the first amphibians. The first specimen of Ichthyostega was collected by Swedish expeditions in East Greenland in the 1920s and 1930s. The fossil on the right hand stamp is Eudimorphodon cromptonellus, a small pterodactyl and one of the first vertebrates to develop the ability to fly. The specimen was found by an expedition from Harvard University at the Carlsberg Fjord in East Greenland in the 1990s.

Greenland 2009

Then we have the 2009 examples. First the “horsetail” Schizoneura carcinoides, once common in East Greenland. Scaphites rosenkrantzi, seen on the middle stamp, is an ammonite from the Cretaceous period that was found in rocks on the Nuussuaq Peninsula in West Greenland. The fossil of a Mallotus villosus, or the capelin (right), is a small fish with a distinctive smell that is still common today in the Arctic seas. The capelin, however, can also still be found as fossils in West Greenland and appears identical to its living relatives.

Slovakia 2006

This minisheet from Slovakia was produced in 2006. In geological and paleontological terms, the abandoned sandpit Sandberg (left stamp), situated in Devin – a borough of the capital, Bratislava, is one of the most important sites in Slovakia. This protected site is extremely rich in fossil remains of marine coastal and terrestrial fauna and flora. In Šomoška, Slovakia is a 9 metre-high stone “waterfall” (stamp right) composed of hexagonal basalt pillars. This unique rock formation formed around four million years ago when basalt lava hardened into these unique columns. It’s one of only seven similar formations found in the world.


Don’t Forget to Check Out PostBeeld’s Great Year End Offer – Up to 25% off Stamps up to 2nd January Inclusive

Don’t Forget to Check Out PostBeeld’s Great Year End Offer – Up to 25% off Stamps up to 2nd January Inclusive
Colombia 1944

Some examples here of savings on stamp purchases in PostBeeld’s Year End sale. 75th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Charitable Society of Cundinamarca, Colombia. Mint stamps from 1944, 25% discount.

Croatia 1943

In April 1941 Germans and Italians set up the Independent State of Croatia. Ante Pavelić, seen on the stamp sheet above, was declared head of state. Also 25% off in the sale. Many more items can be found on the PostBeeld website.

Jersey 1984

Here is a ‘Coat of Arms’ stamp booklet from Jersey (1984), 20% off in the sale.

Spain 1956

And 20% discount on these “Urgent Post’ items from Spain, 1956.

Belgium 1942

Anti-tuberculosis sheet, mint never-hinged, Belgium 1942, 20% off.


PostBeeld’s New Year Auction

PostBeeld’s New Year Auction
The fourth monthly PostBeeld auction is underway and bidding is currently (see website) possible. It is the largest to date with over 900 lots. In this New Year auction there are once again many unique items for the specialised/passionate collector, plus many interesting items that might not normally be visible in our webshop.
Great Britain 1840 – Plate 1A
Reverse side of 1840 Penny Black – Plate 1A
The auction starts with a fine copy of the 'Penny Black', the very first stamp, but there are more interesting British Commonwealth lots.

Sarawak 1950
Switzerland 1939
Furthermore, a very extensive unique collection of Swiss soldiers' mail, divided into dozens of lots (found on the early and later pages on the website's Auction section). Much postal stationery, local mail, surprising thematic items (including a nice collection of first day covers and postcards featuring wines/wineries) and lots based on franking value. But if you look closely you will find many other special and unusual things.
Switzerland 1940
Netherlands 1867
Various special items from the Netherlands and overseas (including above, an unused copy 3rd issue 50 cents, NVPH number 12), many city stamps, personal stamps, letters and postal stationery.
Netherlands test stamps 1936, Shirley Temple
Netherlands Railway stamps 1930
PostBeeld's auctions have an automatic bidding system that makes it easy to place your bids in advance (see the explanation in our auction conditions).

Every month there will be a new auction. Auctions will take place on the 1st day of the month from 14:00 Central European Time. Bids are possible from the 16th of the previous month, but lots can be viewed earlier on the website. Thus the following auction will be on the 1st of February.


Christmas Stamps

Christmas Stamps
Aland 2022

Today we feature a small selection of festive season stamps, starting with Åland’s two beautiful 2022 Christmas stamps that show a modern version of the classic gnomes. Christmas is the holiday when we send most greetings by post. The stamp illustrates gnomes on their way to deliver Christmas mail on Åland, guided by the Sälskär lighthouse, in the northwestern archipelago of Hammarland, north of the main island of Åland.

Netherlands 2022

The Netherlands’ contribution this year has 10 stamps designed by illustrator Miriam Bos. Her nostalgic design has drawings full of cheerful scenes in bright colours. Each stamp tells a personal story about Christmas and the month of December.

Sweden 2022

Sweden’s issue also consists of 10 stamp with winter scenes, most of which show children enjoying outdoor activities. Artwork by Sabina Wroblewski Gustrin.

Latvia 2022, Photo Latvijas Pasts

Then from Latvia, with a gnome theme.

Estonia 2022

From Estonia, designer M. Balbat, children dressed as Christmas angels.

New Zealand 2022

New Zealand chose various Christmas icons with greetings in Maori.

Great Britain 2022

And Great Britain’s first bar-coded Christmas stamps represent the bible story of the birth of Jesus.

Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands stamps feature an Advent wreath and Christmas tree with candles.

Belgium 2022

Then a different take on Christmas from Belgium, two snow globes featuring a snowman and a snowy town scene.


Black Heritage – Part 15

Black Heritage – Part 15
USA 2017

The person featured on the 2017 Black Heritage stamp was Dorothy Height (1912-2010). She fought long and hard for the rights of women, especially women of colour. Height helped to form the National Women’s Political Caucus in 1971. She was the leader of the National Council of Negro Women when they joined the Council for United Civil Rights Leadership. She stood behind Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when he gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. Among the honours awarded to her were the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1994) and the Congressional Gold Medal (2004).

USA 2018

Lena Horne (1917-2010) was featured on the 2018 stamp. She helped break racial barriers by changing the way black women were represented in film, refusing to play roles that stereotyped African American women. One of the most popular African American entertainers of the twentieth century, she was known for her parts in films such as ‘Cabin in the Sky’ and ‘The Wiz’ as well as her trademark song, “Stormy Weather”, during her sixty-year career performing Lena Horne electrified audiences with her beauty and fine voice. She used her fame to fight social injustices toward African-Americans, working with civil rights groups.

USA 2019

Gregory Hines (1946-2003) was the subject in 2019. He was an American tap dancer, actor and choreographer who was a major figure in the revival of tap dancing in the late 20th century. Gregory Hines began dancing as a child and went on to launch a successful Broadway, television and film career. His notable movies include The Cotton Club and White Nights. In addition to his work on the dance and theatre stage, in film and on television, Hines’ wide-ranging career also included making a 1987 album called Gregory Hines, and writing forewords for the books “Brotherhood in Rhythm” about the careers of the fantastic tap-dancing Nicholas Brothers.



Austria 2022

The year 2022 is the 90th anniversary of the founding of a company that produces one of the most popular toys enjoyed by children and adults alike. Austria saluted the anniversary with the stamp seen here. We are talking about the LEGO Group, founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen. The company has passed from father to son and is now owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, a grandchild of the founder. The name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”.

Denmark 2015

According to company figures the approximate number of LEGO® elements sold per year is 70 billion. More than 60 colours are used in production and more than 3,400 different shaped parts are produced.

Malaysia 2017

And in 2017 Malaysia issued these attractive stamps featuring Legoland Malaysia Resort, Malaysia’s first international theme park, which opened in 2012 with over 40 interactive rides, shows and attractions. The first Legoland theme park was created in 1968 in Billund, Denmark. The park is located next to the original Lego factory and Billund Airport, Denmark’s second-busiest airport. To date there are others in California, Florida, New York, Malaysia, Dubai, Windsor, Japan, Korea and Germany.


Recently Added to Stock

Recently Added to Stock
Austria 2019

Crypto stamps have attracted younger people to look at stamp collecting from a completely different angle and the popularity of these items has seen more countries being involved with issuing crypto stamps. Above is the first Crypto stamp. Österreichische Post AG issued the world’s first blockchain stamp on 11 June 2019.

Croatia 2020

On the 180th anniversary of the issue of the first postage stamp, the “Penny Black”, Croatia issued its first crypto stamp.

Thailand 2022

Thailand Post is the first postal service in Southeast Asia to produce Crypto stamps.

Switzerland 2022

And above is one design from a set of 10 crypto stamps produced by Swiss Post in 2022.

Netherlands 2022

The Netherlands and Austria co-operated with this 2022 crypto issue, using different background designs.

Spain 2000

Then we have three stamp sheets from Spain depicting a satirical and humorous journey through the history of Spain through the stamps and drawings designed by the graphic humorists José Gallego and Julio Rey.

Spain 2001

From Atapuerca Neanderthals to the Swabians, Vandals and Alans; from the Visigoths to the Catholic Monarchs and from Columbus to Philip III, the idea behind these wonderfully illustrated stamps was to teach schoolchildren how postal messaging works.

Spain 2002
Belgium 1999

Belgian chocolate is world-famous, 1999 saw the above stamp issue from Belgium. Same year the 50th anniversary of the death of Belgian expressionist and surrealist artist James Ensor was commemorated with stamps featuring three of his artworks.

Belgium 1999

We have also recently acquired a great amount of stamps from the Arab States. A few examples of which follow.

Kuwait 2002

The Scientific Center of Kuwait, inaugurated in April 2000, was considered the first of its kind in the Middle East Region. The Center is dedicated to the advancement of the sciences and cultural heritage of Kuwait, promoting public awareness and knowledge of the wildlife and ecosystems of the Arabian Gulf Region and, consequently, committed to the care and preservation of these ecosystems. The 12-stamp sheet above features the Center and fauna from the region.

Kuwait 2010

In 2012 Kuwait produced the above to celebrate 50 years membership of UNESCO (1960-2010).

Qatar 2008

Al Marash, Oud oil, Agar wood and Al Moghass – four perfumes dear to Qatari people – were shown on the stamp sheet “Traditional Perfume”, issued by Q-Post in 2008. And below an issue to celebrate Qatar’s capital Doha being 2010’s Capital of Arab Culture.

Qatar 2010
Burundi 2012

Opel is one of Europe’s largest automakers. It was founded by Adam Opel in 1862 in Rüsselsheim, Germany. In the beginning, Opel just produced sewing machines in a cowshed in Rüsselsheim. Encouraged by success, Adam Opel launched a new product in 1886. He began to sell high front-wheel bicycles, also known as penny-farthings. Opel died in 1895 and four years after the death of her husband – after listening to the advice of her sons Carl, Wilhelm and Friedrich – his widow Sophie Opel decided to start producing cars in 1899. Thus Opel joined the ranks of the automotive pioneers of the late 19th century that included Daimler, Benz and Peugeot. In the spring of 1899, the first of 65 hand-made Opel Patentmotorwagen “System Lutzmann” was built in Rüsselsheim. The two souvenir sheets, issued in 2012 by Burundi, commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Adam Opel AG (Opel) automobile company. That on the left has a portrait of the founder with a sewing machine, his son Fritz (Friedrich) on a later bicycle model, the first vehicle (1899) and an Opel Olympia from 1935. The second sheet includes images of contemporary Opel models at the time of the stamp issue, including the 2011 Opel Ampera, the 2008 Opel Insignia, and the 2012 Opel Mokka. The stamp includes an image of the 2011 Opel RAK e Concept car. 

Ethiopia 1994

PostBeeld currently has this rare mint never-hinged definitive set from Ethiopia, produced in 1994, depicting the Simien fox, also known as the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis), a canine native to the Ethiopian Highlands.

North Korea various

And how about 100 beautifully illustrated overprints from North Korea, dating from the 1970s?


Another Unusual Subject

Another Unusual Subject
Switzerland 2022

Chimney sweeping! Who would have thought it could be the subject on a postage stamp? Part of the attraction for many collectors is the incredibly varied amount of topics to be found on stamps. The Chimney Sweeper Switzerland association celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2022. The special stamp issued by Switzerland to mark that fact has a woman and a man in traditional chimney sweep costume with the typical tools of the trade. The chimneys that can be seen on the rooftops are grey but can be scratched clean. The clover leaf brings luck on the roofs. The sheet also contains self-adhesive lucky charms. In addition to the chimney sweepers’ top hats, the charms also include a ladybird, a 1-centime coin and a four-leaf clover. As long ago as the Middle Ages, chimney sweepers were seen as bringers of good fortune, because they protected people from poisoning and fire by unblocking their chimneys. They also evidently had no fear of dark chimneys, where spirits were believed to live. Touching a chimney sweeper was believed to bring good luck in the New Year.

Liechtenstein 2022

Good luck wishes are also conveyed through the two stamps shown above. The “Horseshoe” (CHF 0.90) and “Cloverleaf” (CHF 1.10) special stamps come with gold foil embossing. In addition to the phrase “Good luck” in five different languages, a horseshoe and cloverleaf adorn the stamps as symbols of good luck. However, portraits of a female chimney sweep and a male chimney sweep, which also frequently appear as lucky charms, take centre stage.

Sierra Leone 1990

Donald Duck even gets in on the act as a chimney sweep on the Le 100 stamp in this set of Disney definitives from Sierra Leone in 1990.

Sweden 1976

And the bottom left stamp of the Sweden stamps above features a chimney sweep.

Great Britain 2004

And finally, the Royal Society of Arts’ 250th anniversary was celebrated by Great Britain with the above stamp set. Bottom left lies the chimney sweep connection – the RSA Gold medal 1805 was awarded to George Smart for his apparatus for sweeping Chimnies without employing boys.


Albert Schweitzer

Albert Schweitzer
Mali 1965

This article focuses on a man who achieved great things in his life – Albert Schweitzer. He was born 14 January 1875 in the small town of Kaysersberg in Alsace, a town that in 1871 had become part of the German Empire in the renamed region, the Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine, after being French for more than two centuries. When Alsace became French territory again after World War I, Schweitzer chose to become a citizen of France. Schweitzer was a clergyman and theological scholar, philosopher, physician and musician. In 1952, as recognition for his many years of humanitarian work, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and in 1955, Queen Elizabeth II conferred on him Great Britain’s highest civilian award, the Order of Merit. The gold stamp at the top of the page was produced by Gabon to commemorate his life’s work.

DDR 1965

Above we have three DDR commemorative stamps from 1965, the year he died aged 90.

Monaco 1955

With the aim of becoming a medical missionary in Africa, in 1905 he returned to university until 1911 to study medicine. In 1913, with his wife, Hélène Bresslau, who had trained as a nurse and anaesthetist in order to assist him, he set out for Lambaréné in the Gabon province of French Equatorial Africa with the intention of setting up a hospital. The 1955 stamps from Monaco above show their landing site in Lambaréné, a birthday portrait with flora and fauna, the first hospital buildings and Gabonese flora and fauna.

Mali 1965

The Republic of Mali produced this stamp sheet to commemorate the life of Albert Schweitzer.

Ajman 1971

These Ajman stamps from 1971 feature Albert Schweitzer holding two babies accompanied by Hélène Bresslau.

Upper Volta 1975

In what would have been Schweitzer’s centenary year the Republic of Upper Volta produced the above beautiful stamp set depicting the following fauna native to Africa: 5f Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), 15f Bateleur Eagle (Terathopius ecaudatus), 150f Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill (Tockus erythrorhynchus), 175f Vulturine Guineafowl (Acryllium vultur), 200f King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa).

Liberia 1975

Another commemorative stamp sheet for what would have been Albert Schweitzer’s 100th year, this time from Liberia.

Netherlands 1975

The two stamp sheets above from the Netherlands to celebrate Schweitzer’s 100th year birth anniversary. They depict an aerial view of the site of the hospital founded by him in Lambaréné, his portrait with the house where he was born in Kaysersberg, a house he owned in Gunsbach and two of his quotes.

Germany 2000

In the Millennium year Germany produced the stamp sheet here to commemorate his 125th birth anniversary. The stamps had with Schweitzer’s signature and also two of his quotes in the margins.

Mozambique 2013

Then in 2013 Mozambique issued these stamps to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the hospital in Lambaréné, Gabon. Albert Schweitzer died on the 4th of September 1965 and was buried on the banks of the Ogooué river. His grave is marked by a cross he made himself.
