New Stamps (6)
Day after day new postage stamps are issued depicting a variety of topics. Here are some examples of recently-issued stamps featuring a variety of topics.
Day after day new postage stamps are issued depicting a variety of topics. Here are some examples of recently-issued stamps featuring a variety of topics.
We have added many more Michel Overseas Catalogues to our extensive existing list, which includes catalogues for Europe as a whole, and some for individual countries (e.g. Germany, Luxemburg, Great Britain, U.S.A. and Russia) and various Topics.
In 1974 the first Swedish group to achieve worldwide success, ABBA, rose to fame after their song Waterloo won the Eurovision song contest. The band went on to become the second best-selling music group of all time with more than 380 million albums and singles sold over the world.
Day after day new postage stamps are issued depicting a variety of topics. Here are some examples of recently-issued stamps featuring a variety of topics.
In 2014, The Netherlands issued stamps featuring its newly-crowned king, Willem-Alexander. But something didn’t quite fit on the stamps – and I’m not talking about the size of the new king’s head.
Issued in November, this festive miniature stamp sheet issued by Great Britain features stamps on a snowy background, illustrated by Andrew Bannecker. Notably, this is the first miniature sheet to feature a tear-off barcode strip, which you can either retain or easily remove.
On December 7, 1898, Canada Post issued a stamp to commemorate the uniform postage rate that would be valid throughout the British Empire. A beautiful stamp displaying in red on a world map all areas belonging to the Empire. An Empire where the sun never set.
Bus parcel stamps were introduced in Finland on January 1st, 1949. They were issued by the Finnish Post Office for use on parcels carried on motor coach services (including private companies).
Issued in 1966 by Denmark as Red Cross and Red Crescent charity stamps, they have the title in Latin “PER HUMANITATEM AD PACEM” (Through Humanity Towards Peace), the motto of the organisation, which was founded in 1919. Nowadays the slogan “Protecting Human Dignity” has been adopted and is more commonly used.