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Year of the Tiger

Year of the Tiger
Jersey 2022

This commemorative miniature sheet features an illustration by Chinese artist Wang Huming.

The miniature sheet seen here, issued by Jersey Post, shows two tiger cubs playing with their mother. The Chinese hanzi (written character) for Tiger is featured in the background at the bottom right of the stamp. The narrative in Chinese characters on the sheet explains the rich history around the Chinese zodiac and the Year of the Tiger.

The Lunar New Year began on the 1st of February. It is celebrated by people from many different Asian cultures. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger, more specifically the Water Tiger. The Chinese lunar calendar has been in use for thousands of years.

Japan 2022
Japan 2022

The two latest tiger stamps above are from Japan, a country that has the same zodiac animals culture as China.

And below we have a magnificent year of the tiger mint stamp sheet from Japan, issued in 1950, the first zodiac stamp produced by that country.

Japan 1950
Bulgaria 2021

BULCOLLECTO, one of the organisers of which is the Union of Bulgarian Philatelists, is a serious cultural event in the Balkans and it has become a tradition for collectors not only in Bulgaria but also in neighbouring countries. Here we have a stamp sheet from Bulgaria with year of the tiger images and text in the margins.

China 2010
China 1998

Of course we must end with two examples from China, from 1998 and 2010 respectively. More than ninety countries issue Chinese New Year stamps and it’s worth checking out the hundreds of others stocked by PostBeeld, to be found on its freestampcatalogue.com website.


Stamp Errors Part 17 – Bill and Ben

Stamp Errors Part 17 – Bill and Ben
USA 1993

First issued by the US postal Service in December 1993, the Legends of the West stamps shown here promised to be a very popular set. But one incorrect image made it one of the most infamous errors in American postal history.

The stamp within the four pointers honoured Bill Pickett, a celebrated African-American cowboy credited with the invention of bull-dogging, or steer-wrestling. To create the portrait, stamp artist Mark Hess used a famous photograph that bore a clear inscription identifying Pickett. The photograph had been featured in several magazines and exhibitions, and countless books about the American West also identified the cowboy as Bill Pickett.

Ben, not Bill – The photgraph that caused the misunderstanding

But in January 1994, the Pickett family informed the Postal Service that the photo and thus the stamp depicted not Bill but his brother, Ben. Stunned, the Postal Service announced the recall and destruction of around five million stamp sheets that had been shipped to hundreds of post offices nationwide.

Bill Pickett

Above is Mark Hess’s re-creation of Bill Pickett for which he copied the facial features from the 1923 film advertising poster shown below. This was then used for the re-issued stamp sheet.

The story doesn’t end there, as when the corrected stamp sheet was released the Postal Service discovered another mistake. Some clerks had sold 183 of the incorrect stamp panes, accidentally creating a collectible so rare and valuable that most collectors would never be able to afford one. To give the public a chance to own the incorrect stamps, and to save on reprinting costs, the Postal Service made the controversial decision to sell 150,000 of the faulty panes through a lottery. Below is the ‘fault-free’ 1994 ‘Legends of the West’ stamp mini-sheet.

USA 1994


Track & Trace Bar Code Stamps, the Future?

Track & Trace Bar Code Stamps, the Future?
1st Class
1st Class
Large Letter
1st Class Letter barcoded stamp1st Class Large Letter barcoded stamp
2nd Class
2nd Class
Large Letter
2nd Class Letter barcoded stamp2nd Class Large Letter barcoded stamp
Great Britain 2022

Following a successful national trial Great Britain’s Royal Mail will now be adding unique barcodes to all of its regular ‘everyday’ Definitive and Christmas stamps. Each barcoded stamp will have a digital twin and the two will be connected by the Royal Mail App. The unique barcodes will facilitate operational efficiencies, enable the introduction of added security features and pave the way for innovative services for its customers. The barcodes match the stamp colour and sit alongside the main body of the stamp, separated by a simulated perforation line.

The new barcode is an integral part of the stamp and must remain intact for the stamp to be valid. Royal Mail won’t be barcoding special issue stamps — which are printed as a one off to commemorate a person/event and to celebrate the best of the UK’s contribution to the world. An added feature will enable mail recipients to use the Royal Mail App to scan the barcode and view videos, and eventually also filmed messages. The first video will feature the Aardman Animations Limited cartoon character Shaun the Sheep.

The definitive stamps feature the profile of Queen Elizabeth II created by the sculptor Arnold Machin (for more about the great Arnold Machin please follow the link here to see the article from July 7, 2015: https://freestampmagazine.com/tag/machin/).


Recently Added to Stock

Recently Added to Stock
Great Britain 2022

Great Britain’s Royal Mail has produced some fantastic new products celebrating the career of the Rolling Stones, including 12 stamps. The images on the stamp sheet here capture The Rolling Stones at their energetic best at various big concerts over the years, within a special souvenir pack featuring the band’s iconic tongue and lips logo. The four First Class stamps feature performances in: Hyde Park, London in 1969; East Rutherford, New Jersey, 2019; Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1995; and Tokyo, Japan, 1995.

The 1.70 stamps show action from: New York City, USA, 1972; Oslo, Norway,2014; Knebworth, Hertfordshire, UK, 1976; and Dusseldorf, Germany, 2017.

Great Britain 2022

The four stamps on the above stamp sheet feature group shots of the band and iconic tour posters from selected world tours.

Great Britain 2021

Also from Great Britain we have many items from the ‘DC Collection’, featuring DC comics’ heroic characters.

Netherlands 2022

Ice skating is an extremely popular sport in Holland and the country has produced many ice track racing Winter Olympic gold medallists and World Champions. The design on this newly-issued stamp in the ‘Typical Netherlands’ series shows a skater in Netherlands colours with a background representing tracks used for various distances in competitions.

Gibraltar 2021

Gibraltar’s contribution to the Europa series ‘Endangered Animals’ shows on this stamp sheet the famous Barbary Macaques that inhabit the Rock of Gibraltar.

Spain 2007

Fine 8-stamp foil booklet from Spain, 2007. The stamps show toys from toy museums in various regions of the country. From left to right top row we have a tricycle from the Museo de Juguettes de Albarracin, an omnibus – Museu del Joguet de Catalunya, a train – Museu de la Joguina San Felia de Guixols, and skittles – Museu dels Joguets de Denia.

The bottom row, left to right, has a perambulator – Museo des Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla, a seaplane – Fundacion Raquel Chaves, Vigo, a printing set – Museu de la Jugueta Sa Pobla, Mallorca, and the fire engine – Fundacio Museu Valencia del Joguet D’Ibi.

Luxembourg 1977

There has been a great addition to stock of items from Luxembourg, among them these Caritas stamps showing the protected plants Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis), Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris), Mezereum (Daphne mezereum), Spider oechid (Ophrys sphegodes) and the Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata).

South Africa 1954

Here is a fine set of wild animal stamps produced by South Africa in 1954. The stamp pairs below from 1938 commemorate the Centenary of the Great Trek undertaken by the Boers to escape British rule in South Africa’s Cape Colony.

South Africa 1938
Latvia 1996

Latvia issued this attractively illustrated stamp sheet in 1996. It depicts a christening scene containing a stamp showing a couple wearing national costume. And while we’re on the subject of costumes the stamp set below produced by Romania in 1968 shows traditional men’s and women’s clothing from the Romanian counties of Neamt, Hunedora and Brasov.

Romania 1968

We have many more stamps from Romania featuring traditional costumes for most years going back to 1958. Please visit PostBeeld’s website for a more comprehensive view of the hundreds of new philatelic items added daily to its ever-growing stock.


Nurses – They’re Invaluable

Nurses – They’re Invaluable

“Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people” (credit: International Council of Nurses). Recognising the importance of the nursing profession’s role in society past and present, here we have a variety of postage stamps previously issued worldwide.

Uruguay 2020

In 2020 Uruguay issued this stamp sheet to commemorate the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910). Florence Nightingale was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War (1853-56), in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople and was known as ‘The Lady with the Lamp’.

Jamaica 2005

Mary Jane Seacole (1805-1881) was a British-Jamaican nurse famous for nursing hundreds of British soldiers back to health during the cholera pandemic of 1850 and, later, the Crimean War. While Nightingale is often acknowledged as the pioneer of modern nursing, Seacole had learned how to administer herbal remedies and the importance of good hygiene decades before the Florence Nightingale. And although both women did incredible work during the war, Nightingale’s name lives on, while Seacole’s tends not to be as widely recognised. Jamaica produced a fine set of stamps in 2005, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mary Seacole. The stamps have portraits of Seacole at different stages of her life. The $30 stamp shows herbal remedies and medicines, the $50 has Seacole Hall at the University of the West Indies, $60 stamp depicts the Crimean War and the $70 shows medals awarded to her during her lifetime.

Colombia 1961

These stamps were issued in memory of a Colombian Red Cross nurse Manuelita de la Cruz, who died in the line of duty during the floods in Colombia in 1955.

South Africa 1964

South Africa issued two stamps in 1964 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the South African Trained Nurses’ Association (SATNA). It was established in 1914 by British nurses who helped to recruit and train nurses in South Africa. Only trained, registered nurses could be members of the association. 

Taiwan 1964

Taiwan, Nurse’s Day 1964. Stamp on the right includes an image of Florence Nightingale.

Egypt 1974

Egypt 1974 Nurse’s Day.

El Salvador 1975

El Salvador paid homage to nurses in 1975.

Israel 1985

In 1985 Israel issued this ‘the Nurse’ item, replete with an appropriate Bible quotation.

Iran 1987

For Nurse’s Day in 1987 Iran produced the above stamp, which also celebrated the birth anniversary of Hadrat Zainab bint Ali, a heroic figure in the history of Islam.

Venda 1988

The South African Homeland State of Venda, which was created in 1979 and dissolved in 1994, issued this attractive stamp set depicting nurses undergoing training at a nurses’ training college.

Poland 1953

The above stamps from Poland were issued in 1953 in recognition of the Polish Social Health Service.

Canada 1997

Canada issued this stamp in 1997, when its Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada celebrated its 100-year anniversary.

Austria 1997

A multi-year series of “working environment” stamps from Austria featured nursing in 1997.

Finland 1998

The 100th Anniversary of Finland’s Nurses’ Union was commemorated in 1998.

China 2012

China, Nurse’s Day 2003.

Norway 2012

Above, 100th Anniversary of Norwegian Nurses Organisation.

Costa Rica 2017

The School of Nursing at the University of Costa Rica was founded in 1917 and that country issued this stamp sheet in 2017 to celebrate the School of Nursing’s 100th anniversary.

Senegal produced the stamp sheet below in recognition of the work carried out by nurses and other health professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Senegal 2020

The Sultanate of Oman stamps below recognise the important work carried out by nurses and midwives.

Sultanate of Oman 2021

The final two stamps, from Nevis and Armenia respectively, speak for themselves.

Nevis 2020
Armenia 2021


Black Heritage – Part 12

Black Heritage – Part 12
USA 2006

The 2006 stamp in the United States Black Heritage series featured Hattie McDaniel (1893-1952). She was an actress, often playing housemaids and other stereotypical roles. She appeared in more than ninety films. For her role of the house servant Mammy in the 1939 film Gone with the Wind, Hattie McDaniel won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, becoming the first African American to win an Academy Award.

USA 2007

The outstanding musical career of vocalist Ella Fitzgerald was the subject of the 2007 issue. During more than half a century of performing and recording, Ella Fitzgerald became known as “The First Lady of Song.” She won thirteen Grammy Awards, the National Medal of Arts, Kennedy Center Honors, and was inducted into the Lincoln Center Nesuhi Ertegun Jazz Hall of Fame. The Society of Singers created an award for lifetime achievement, making her the first recipient of the “Ella” award.

USA 2008

The first African-American writer to receive major acclaim was Charles W. Chesnutt, commemorated on the 2008 stamp. In 1887 his short story “The Goophered Grapevine” (‘goophered’ in American English means cursed or bewitched) appeared in the 1857-founded magazine The Atlantic Monthly. Often speaking out against racial discrimination, his writings were well known for their probing into the fight for civil rights, often revealing the contradictions at the heart of attitudes toward race. Chesnutt received the NAACP’s Spingarn Award for his “pioneer work as a literary artist depicting the life and struggles of Americans of Negro descent.” The Spingarn Medal is awarded annually by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for outstanding achievement by an African American. 

USA 2009

A Voice from the South (1892) is the only book published by one of the most prominent African American women scholars and educators of her era. Born a slave in 1858, Anna Julia Haywood Cooper lived to be 105 and was the subject of the 2009 Black Heritage stamp. She became the fourth African American woman to earn a doctoral degree, earning a PhD in history from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. She rose to prominence as a member of the Black community in Washington, D.C., where she served as principal at M Street High School, during which time she wrote A Voice from the South. In it, she engages a variety of issues ranging from women’s rights to racial progress, from segregation to literary criticism. The first half of her book concentrates largely on the education of African American women. She founded several organisations to promote black civil rights causes, including the Colored Women’s League.


Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

It’s that time of year again and on behalf of all the staff at PostBeeld here in The Netherlands I would like to sincerely thank you for visiting these pages and to all clients of PostBeeld I wish you a very happy Christmas. Each year we feature a small selection of stamps issued by countries that celebrate Christmas and as usual there are many to interest the thematic collector.

Isle of Man 2021

One of the most successful and widely-known characters in children’s literature, Thomas the Tank Engine is universally-recognised and much-loved by readers of all ages. This stamp sheet from the Isle of Man shows various train characters created by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry (born 1911, died 1997).

Belgium 2021

Belgium go with a Christmas tree decoration theme this year.

Great Britain 2021

From Great Britain twenty Christmas 2021 stamps set against a beautifully illustrated backdrop of four angels.

Sweden 2021

Sweden’s excellent 10-stamp sheet offering is entitled “The Garden Gnomes Christmas”.

The Netherlands 2021

The illustrations on the Dutch 2021 Xmas stamps are papercuts, specially made for this issue by paper-cutting artist Geertje Aalders. For this year’s December stamps she devised an imaginative world, full of stories in which all kind of things happen. In the 10 different scenes a variety of animals are seen enjoying the festive month.

Jersey 2021

This commemorative miniature sheet features an illustration by Jersey illustrator Nanette Regan. The image depicts a parent and child enjoying the iconic Christmas story in bed on Christmas eve. Bearing the Jersey NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) logo, this issue supports the NSPCC’s local efforts this Christmas.

Gibraltar 2021

Gilbraltar has produced six colourful Santa Claus illustrations. The stamps were designed by Gibraltarian graphics artist Stephen Perera and printed on high-quality special easy peel self-adhesive paper.

Canada 2021

The stamps above issued this year by Canada depict portraits of three classic festive season characters.

Vatican City 2021

Adam Piekarski, a homeless man from Lódz, Poland, never imagined that the sketches he would draw in his free time while waiting for the public showers near Bernini’s Colonnade in Rome would lead to the opportunity of a lifetime. Piekarski left Poland in 2015 and, like many migrants, made his way to Rome seeking a better life.

Redemptorist Father Leszek Pys, known by many as Father Ruben and a fellow Pole, was among the first to realise Piekarski’s talent. He was introduced to Piekarski, who would often spend his time sketching while waiting for his turn at the showers.

Father Ruben then provided Piekarski with paints and brushes and found a workspace in the crypt of the Church of Santa Maria in Monterone, where the burgeoning artist honed his artistic abilities and created the images used by the Vatican Philatelic and Numismatic Office for the Christmas stamps.

Greenland 2021

This year’s two Christmas stamps from Greenland were created by the artist Maria Bach Kreutzmann who lives in the island’s capital, Nuuk.

Belarus 2021

“Happy New Year!” and “Merry Christmas!”.

We end today with this from Belarus. “Happy New Year!” and “Merry Christmas!” stamp sheet, designed by Marina Vitkovskaya.



Angola 2019

There are approximately 30 to 40 recognised cat breeds and the cat is one of the most popular household pets. This article features some cat breeds portrayed on stamps over the three-year period 2019-2021. We begin with 2019 Angola stamps showing (left to right) the Russian Blue, Siamese, Japanese Bobtail and Egyptian Mau breeds.

Kyrgyzstan 2019

Then in 2019 Kyrgyzstan issued an attractive cat stamp sheet. The 50 som value has a Scottish Fold, the 100 som a Siberian cat and the 150 som shows a Maine Coon.

Tuvalu 2019

In 2019, the 500th Anniversary of the death of Leonardo Da Vinci, the Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation orchestrated a miniOmnibus celebrating Da Vinci’s many talents. Tuvalu chose to produce a stamp sheet that included three Da Vinci drawings of cats.

Romania 2020

A great set from Romania with a ball of wool theme in 2020 had six stamps showing five cat breeds: Persian, Siamese, British Shorthair, Bengal, British Shorthair (Blue) and a Sphynx.

Slovenia 2020

Slovenia produced cat stamps in 2020, one of which depicted a Maine Coon – one of the largest domestic cat breeds.

Liberia 2020

Persian, American Shorthair, Sphynx, Turkish Angora, Bengali and Somali cat breeds on 2020 Liberia stamps.

Russia 2020

These 2020 Russian stamps present images of the following breeds: Neva Masquerade (Siberian), Kurilian Bobtail, Ural Rex and Don Sphynx (or Russian Hairless). 

Monaco 2021

The stamp produced by Monaco (above), shows the breed of cat known as Maine Coon. Issued in recognition of the annual Monaco International Cat Show.

Slovakia 2021

Slovakia 2020 Postage Stamp Day item here featuring two kittens was issued to commemorate the body of work created by Vladimír Machaj (1929-2016), painter, graphic artist and acclaimed illustrator, especially of children’s books and fairy tales.

Croatia 2021

Croatia “Children’s World” 2021 stamps depict four cat breeds with descriptively relevant images. The top pair are the Bombay Cat and the Bengal Cat with, below, the Egyptian Mau and the Norwegian Forest Cat.

Cyprus 2021

Kittens are featured on these 2021 Cyprus cat stamps.


Recently Added to Stock

Recently Added to Stock

Some very fine examples of stamps from China, Estonia, United States of America, Antigua, Trinidad & Tobago and Sarawak recently added to PostBeeld’s vast stock:

China 1977

The first stamps here commemorate the 50th anniversary of China’s People’s Liberation Army, the armed forces of the People’s Republic of China, founded in 1927.

China 1977
China 1977

Stamps above issued by China to mark the first year anniversary of the death of Mao Zedong, also known as Chairman Mao, the Chinese communist revolutionary and founding father of the People’s Republic of China. He ruled as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from the establishment of the PRC in 1949 until his death in 1976.

China 1976

And here we have a gorgeous set of stamps from China produced to promote the country’s fifth Five-Year Plan, the first of which was introduced in 1953.

China 1975

In 1975 and 1976 China issued stamps featuring advances in agricultural mechanisation and surgical procedures.

China 1976
China 1976

Lu Xun (1881-1936) was a Chinese writer, commonly considered the greatest in 20th-century Chinese literature. The three stamps above commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death. 

China 1977

Liu Hulan (1932-1947) was a female revolutionary martyr who spied for the Communist cause and was captured and executed by opposition forces during the Chinese Civil War in the first half of the 20th Century. China issued a set of stamps in 1977 commemorating the 30th anniversary of Liu Hulan’s death.

Estonia 1939

And now some new-to-stock Estonian stamps. We begin with the neoclassical building of the Pärnu Mud Baths (seen on the first and third stamps), one of the most important symbols of Pärnu. The building was designed by Olev Siinmaa as well as the Baltic German designers Erich von Wolffeldt and Aleksander Nürnberg. It was constructed in 1926-1927 in place of a bathing house that burned down during World War I. The history of the Pärnu Mud Baths and the resort can be traced back to 1838. Pärnu is now known as Estonia’s Summer Capital. Second and fourth stamps feature the Rannahotell Pärnu, a hotel built in 1937 and designed by Olev Siinmaa.

Estonia 1933

Anti-Tuberculosis stamps from 1933.

Estonia 1932

Architecture in Tartu is shown here. Depicted is the Observatory, built in 1810 and now a museum under the auspices of the Tartu University Museum and Tartu University, the national university of Estonia.

Estonia 1936

Above and below are charity stamps produced by Estonia in the years 1936-40. They show the coat of arms of cities and counties in Estonia. In 1936, shown left to right are those for Ida-Viru (and its capital Narva), Pärnu, Tartu and Tallinn.

Estonia 1937

Here we have Paide, Rakvere, Valga and Viljandi.

Estonia 1938

Above: Paldiski, Võru, Haapsalu and Kuressaare.

Estonia 1939

Viljandi County, Pärnu, Tartu and Rapla.

Estonia 1940

Coat of Arms of Estonian Counties (left to right) Võru, Järva, Lääne and Saare.

Indonesia 1996

The 8th Asian International Stamp Exhibition was held in Jakarta in August 1995 and Indonesia produced this stamp in 1996 to celebrate the event. 

USA 1930

These U.S.A. airmail stamps were issued in 1930 and 1937 respectively. The three above were known as the ‘Winged-Globe stamps. The airmail stamps shown below were issued for use on the extended Trans-Pacific service to Hong Kong and China.

USA 1937
Trinidad & Tobago 1974

Self-explanatory stamp sheet from Trinidad & Tobago, 1974.

Antigua 1913

A fine example of a five shilling King George V stamp from Antigua, produced in 1913 by Harrison and Sons Ltd from plates produced by the Royal Mint in Great Britain.

Antigua 1921 & 1922

The Antigua definitives shown here were issued in 1921 and 1922. They feature a view of the island’s capital, St. John’s and a medallion portrait of King George V.

Sarawak 1899

And to finish we have a great set from Sarawak, issued in 1899 featuring a portrait of Charles Brooke (born Charles Anthoni Johnson), the colonial head of state of Sarawak from 1868 until his death in 1917.


Barry Gibb and the Bee Gees

Barry Gibb and the Bee Gees
Isle of Man 2021

The front cover of this recently issued Isle of Man presentation pack shows singer, songwriter and producer Sir Barry Gibb at the Glastonbury Festival, England (June 25, 2017) photographed by Samir Hussein/Redferns.

With more than five decades at the top of the music industry, from the Bee Gees in the 1960s to his performance at Glastonbury’s Pyramid Stage in 2017 and recent “Greenfields” album release, Sir Barry Gibb has enjoyed a peerless musical career which is celebrated in the landmark set of seven stamps shown here.

Isle of Man Post Office worked closely with Barry Gibb to select the most personally-significant images from his life and career. The Bee Gees 1969 Cucumber Castle TV special, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band film and his “Music Legend” spot at the 2017 Glastonbury music festival are particular highlights picked out for the presentation pack.

A proud Manxman, Sir Barry has commented: “I’m very proud of my Manx roots. I was born and bred on the ancient, mystical, magical Isle of Man, and I have very fond memories of growing up there, so to appear on a set of its stamps is not only a wonderful surprise, but also an honour and a privilege.”

Isle of Man 1999

The two stamp sheets above, issued by the Isle of Man in1999, have images of the Bee Gees printed on a disc containing circular stamps. One of the most renowned and celebrated musicians of the modern era, Barry Gibb’s success with the Bee Gees included contributions to over a thousand film soundtracks and over 200 million albums to date, while as a solo performer his achievements include nine number one singles and a further sixteen as songwriter to add to many awards and honours.

The Gibb brothers are famously from the Isle of Man, with roots firmly planted on the Island, the importance of their upbringing still evidenced today by the title of his latest album, Greenfields. Sir Barry has commented that the green fields referred to were those of the Isle of Man during their childhood. The 2021 postal issue is a tribute to Sir Barry from the nation in which he was born. It recognises his Manx history, illustrious career and charitable work, in which he has been hugely generous with his time and talent to support numerous causes close to his heart.

Isle of Man 1999

As part of the Island’s 1999 “Legends of Music” issue the above stamps include the titles of recordings by the Bee Gees. “Massachusetts” was recorded in London in 1968, “Ellan Vannin” is known as the unofficial anthem of the IOM with lyrics taken from a poem written written by Eliza Craven Green in 1854. “Words” was produced at the IBC (International Broadcasting Company) Recording Studios in 1969. IBC had recording studios located at 35 Portland Place in London. In the 1960s and 1970s, the studios become internationally famous after being used by some of the biggest recording artists in the world. “You Win Again”, 1987, was a chart-topper in many countries and saw the Bee Gees become the first artists to achieve the number one spot in the record charts in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. The song was produced in Miami by Arif Mardin, the most consistently successful record producer of the 50 years leading up to his death in 2006. “I’ve Just Gotta Get a Message to You” is a hit from 1968 and has been re-recorded by Barry Gibb and Keith Urban and is featured on Gibb’s latest album Greenfields. The Bee Gees recorded “Night Fever” at Chateau d’Herouville, France, in 1977 to avoid the high tax rate at that time in Britain. They also laid down the tracks for the soundtrack to the immensely popular film Saturday Night Fever at the Chateau.

St. Tome E Principe 2008

The small West African island nation São Tomé and Príncipe produced the above Bee Gees stamp sheet in 2008 as part of their “Music Stars” issue.
