Home Stamp catalogues Yvert et Tellier Stamp Catalogues Yvert Overseas Vol. 6: Indian Ocean – Samoa 2009

Yvert Overseas Vol. 6: Indian Ocean – Samoa 2009

Yvert Overseas Vol. 6: Indian Ocean - Samoa 2009


Ancachs, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Bequia, Canal Zone, Chala, Chiclayo, Coamo, Cuzco, Huacho, Kigoma, Moquegua Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Oman, Orange, Uganda, Juba, Paita, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua , Papua and Guinea Paraguay Nlle, Pasco, Patiala, Penrhyn, Peru, Philippines, Pisco, Pitcairn, Piura, Prince Edward Island, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Puno, Queensland, Quelimale, Rarotonga, Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia,Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Rhodesia South, Rio de Oro, Rio Muni, Ruanda and Urundi Rwanda, Ryukyu, Spanish Sahara, Saint-Christophe, St. Kitts, St. Helena, St. Lucia, St. Thomas and Prince St. Thomas la Guaira, St. Vincent, St. Vincent (Grenadines), Salomon, Salvador, Samoa, Urundi, YCA.

  • Language: French
  • Softback
  • Color printed
  • 656 pages

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