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A Dedicated Follower of Fashion

A Dedicated Follower of Fashion

1Oscar de la Renta (seen above), who died in October 2014 aged 82, was one of the world’s leading fashion designers for more than 50 years. And his work has been commemorated by the United States Postal Service with a stamp series, to be released next month.
Born in the Dominican Republic in 1932, de la Renta was apprenticed with Spanish Basque fashion designer Cristobal Balenciaga, before moving to Paris to work at the fashion house Lanvin.


Ancient Britain

Ancient Britain

kopjeRoyal Mail issued this set of stamps that give a timeline across thousands of years of history, from a glimpse of Stone Age ritual of 11,000 years ago, to the Iron Age of some 300 BC.
The stamps show famous iconic sites as well as some of the most exceptional artefacts, and overlays illustrations to show how people lived and worked at these sites and used the objects.


The Netherlands returns to “old-fashioned” cancellations

The Netherlands returns to “old-fashioned” cancellations

CancellationsThe steady decline of mail sent in the Netherlands has lead PostNL to a new “innovation”: the withdrawal of rubber stamps at postal service desks as of 1 January 2017. This does not affect regular mail, but only registered mail and parcels, which are almost always paid for at the desks or through a franking machine.


The History of Stamp Collecting Part 18 – The Netherlands in 1862

The History of Stamp Collecting Part 18 – The Netherlands in 1862
W.F. Dannenfelser

1In this series, we have already seen that the stamp collecting virus had spread quickly in 1862 in Europe. But had the virus reached the Netherlands? The answer is yes, but not until the end of that year.
The first philatelic article appeared in the Netherlands in October 1862 in ‘Het Nederlandsch Jaarboekje der Posterijen’ (the Netherlands Postal Yearbook). The Schiedam postmaster S. Gille Heringa had translated articles from the Magasin Pittoresque (see episode 7) written by Natalis Rondot, and entitled them: ‘Postage Stamps by Natalis Rondot, freely translated’. The series continued in the yearbooks from 1863 and 1864.


More to the Isle of Man than motorcycle racing

More to the Isle of Man than motorcycle racing

kopjeThe unique Snaefell Mountain Railway, built during 1895, is located on the eastern coast of the Isle of Man, running from the village of Laxey to the summit of Snaefell, the only mountain on the Island.
The line still operates with the majority of its original Victorian rolling stock in daily seasonal use.


Japanese Wonders

Japanese Wonders

Stamp from JapanThe Aso National Park, on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, was designated a national park in December, 1934. After extension in the year 1986, it was renamed Aso-Kuju National Park. The stamps above were issued in 1939, featuring park landscapes.

The Aso-san is the largest active volcano group in Japan and is among the largest in the world. It is situated within the Aso-Kuju National Park. Mount Aso is the largest active volcano in Japan and is among the largest in the world.


“Mozart” of Chess?

“Mozart” of Chess?

Do you recognise the young man above? He is someone who has already been recognised in the world of postage stamps for his achievements.
Norway’s Magnus Carlsen, still only 26 years old, is a three-time World Champion of chess. He won his first world title in 2013, becoming the second-youngest ever to win that competition.


The History of Stamp Collecting Part 17 – Germany in 1862

The History of Stamp Collecting Part 17 –  Germany in 1862

1In the late 1970s a fascinating series of articles written by Mr. K. Kouwenberg about the history of Stamp Collecting, appeared in the Dutch magazine Philatelie. This series has been the source of inspiration for PostBeeld owner Rob Smit to rewrite the history of stamp collecting in instalments. This is Part 17 – Germany in 1862.


So Many New Additions to PostBeeld’s Stock

So Many New Additions to PostBeeld’s Stock

Stamp ChinaPostBeeld owner Rob Smit is constantly busy seeking out opportunities to add stamps to the enormously varied stock held at the four PostBeeld stores dotted around Holland.
Always on the lookout to buy-in interesting collections at auction houses or directly from people wishing to sell, he fervently strives to provide what his customers might be looking for.


Shake, Rattle and Roll

Shake, Rattle and Roll

earthquake stampsOne can only imagine the horror of experiencing an earthquake. And millions of people live in areas where the possibility of having that experience is great.
The recent ‘quakes in New Zealand prompted us to seek out stamps on the subject.
Let us not forget that the city of Christchurch, in the region of Canterbury on New Zealand’s South Island, was devastated by an earthquake which killed 185 people in February 2011. The stamp sheet below depicts a cathedral ruined by the event. Incredibly, 4,558 earthquakes were recorded in the Canterbury region above magnitude 3.0 on the Richter measuring scale, from 4 September 2010 to 3 September 2014!
