Home Stamp catalogues Michel stamp catalogues Michel Special Switzerland&Liechtenstein 2015/2016

Michel Special Switzerland&Liechtenstein 2015/2016

Michel Special Switzerland&Liechtenstein 2015/2016


Switzerland: Canton of Zurich, Canton of Geneva, Canton Basel, Bundespost, automat stamps, stamp booklets , vending stamps, coil stamps, service stamps, franchise stamps, postage due stamps, telegraph stamps, airmail stamps, Local Issues, Military (field) post, international organizations, postal stationery, Campione

Liechtenstein: Prephilately, pre and followers, stamps, postal stationery, airmail, zeppelin mail, military -, field, POW and internee mail, professional special vouchers, stamps and forms, postage, Numismatics.

  • Language: German
  • Set of two catalogues
  • 944 pages (456 Switserland and 488 Liechtenstein)
  • 6000 images
  • Color printed
  • Hardback
  • 53.000 price quotations
  • Size: 155x230mm

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