PostBeeld has, in the last few weeks, acquired an enormous amount of stamps from private collections and is in the process of adding the items to its already incredibly vast and varied stock. This will provide a great opportunity for PostBeeld’s customers to possibly find a stamp that fits their collection or topic. I fully recommend frequent visits to the postbeeld.com and freestampcatalogue.com websites to view the daily additions to stock and the weekly discount offers. There follows a brief look at a small selection of the added stamps:

In 1965 the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen (now the Republic of Yemen) issued this set of bird stamps with the portrait of the last king, Muhammad Al-Badr, in the top right corner. In order of value the birds are: 1/4B the Yemen linnet (Acanthis Yemenensis); 1/2B Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops); 1/8B hamerkop (Scopus umbretta); 4B Arabian woodpecker (Dendrocopus dorae); and 6B the violet-backed starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster).

Above and below just two of a great amount of beautifully-illustrated fauna stamp sheets from Guinea Bissau added to stock. Four species of kingfishers are seen above with, under, a selection of aquatic birds found in Guinea Bissau.

Then, in 2006, Bahamas issued this “BirdLife International” stamp sheet featuring a nuthatch species (Sitta insularis) endemic to the pine forests, known as pineyards, of Grand Bahama island in the Bahamas.

The remote volcanic tropical island of St. Helena, a British overseas territory located in the South Atlantic Ocean, produced the above sea bird stamps in 2007. How remote you may ask? Well, lying almost 2,000km west of south-west Africa and 4,000 km east of Rio de Janeiro in South America, Britain thought it was a safe enough place to exile Napoleon Bonaparte after the battle of Waterloo. in order of value the stamps show: 15p A Black Noddy (Annous minutus); 30p The Madeiran Storm Petrel (Oceanodroma castro); 50p A Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra); and £2 the Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata). These are also “BirdLife International” stamps.

More stamps seen here from the “BirdLife International” series, issued by Kiribati in 2005 and depicting seabirds of Kiribati and breeding birds of Christmas Island.

Then we have a 5-stamp souvenir sheet from Canada (2016). The birds featured here are the Rock ptarmigan – the official bird for the Canadian territory of Nunavut; the Great-horned owl – provincial bird of Alberta; the Common raven – official bird of the territory of Yukon; the Puffin – official provincial bird of Newfoundland and Labrador; and the Sharp-tailed grouse – provincial bird of Saskatchewan.
Don’t forget to check out PostBeeld’s websites for a comprehensive view of the latest additions to stock.