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Contents:Alwar, Bahawalpurn, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhore, Bijawar, Bundi, Bussahir, Kashmir Charkhari, Cochin, Datia, Dhar, Dominica, Egypt, Elobey, Annobón and Corisco, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Eritrea, East Africa, Confederate States of America, United States of America, the princely states of India, Ethiopia, Falkland, Faridkot, Fernando Poo, Fiji (Islands), Formosa, Gambia, South Georgia, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Ghana, Gilbert (Island), Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Grenada, Grenadines, Griqualand, Guam, Guatemala, Hayderabad, Holkar, Idar, Jaipur, Jasdan State, Jhalawar, Jhind, Jummo, Kisbengarh, Las Bela, Morvi, Nandgame, Nepal, Nowanuggur , South Orkney Islands, Orcha, Pountch, Rajpeepla, South Shetlands, Sirmoor, Soruth, Graham Land, Travancore, Travancore-Cochin, Wadhwan