In the past month, a lot of new stampcatalogues have been issued. We have made a selection of some major stampcatalogues issued by Yvert and Michel and inform you about their content in this article.
Michel Europe 6 – West Europe
This catalogue lists the stampissues of Alderney, Belgium, Great Britain, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Ireland, Jersey, Luxembourg and the Netherlands from the beginning to the Present. With 1342 pages, more than 14.000 colourful images and around 74.00 price quotes.
This catalogue can be ordered here.
Michel Special Switzerland&Liechtenstein 2014/2015
Specialized stampcatalogue with the following content:
Canton of Zurich, Canton of Geneva, Canton Basel, Bundespost, automat stamps, stamp booklets , vending tickets, coil stamps, service marks, franchise stamps, postage due stamps, telegraph stamps, airmail stamps, Local Issues, Military (field) post, international organizations, postal stationery, Campione
Prephilately, pre and followers, stamps, postal stationery, airmail, zeppelin mail, military -, field, POW and internee mail, professional special vouchers, stamps and forms, postage, Numismatics
This catalogue can be ordered here.
Yvert Catalogue Asia Middle East 2015
This stampcatalogue list stampissues from the following countries:
Aden, Alaouites, Alexandrette, Saoudi Arabia, South Araba, South East Arabia, Bahrain, Bouchir,Cilicie, United Arab Emirates, Grand Liban, Iraq, Iran, Israël, Jérusalem, Jordania, Kuwait, Lattaquié,Levant (colonies), Levant (Europe), Liban, Mascate, Moyen Orient, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Rouad,Syria, Syria (colonies), Transjordania, Yémen
This catalogue can be ordered here.