The Universal Postal Union (UPU), a United Nations specialized agency headquartered in the Swiss capital Bern, was founded in 1874. Thus 2024 is the organisation’s 150th anniversary, and to celebrate this milestone the UN Postal Administration has produced three stamp designs.

The UPU connects 192 member countries, enabling free circulation of postal items across a single, interconnected postal territory. UPU member states have also recently adopted a policy to increase and deepen its engagement with wider postal sector players, outside of the UPU network of designated operators – an attempt to bolster the development of a truly interconnected, efficient, and universal postal service.

The UPU’s theme for its 150th year – “150 years of enabling communication and empowering peoples across nations”.

From Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan respectively, their commemorative stamps. the Uzbekistan stamp features the Kalon minaret in Bukhara.

Serbia was one of the 21 founding members of the UPU. Its 150th anniversary stamp has the portrait of Mladen Ž. Radojković, Secretary of the Postal and Telegraph Department of the Ministry of National Economy in 1874 and the signatory for Serbia of the UPU’s founding agreement.