Rookworst (smoked sausage), wortelen (carrots), hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles)? These and other typically Dutch cuisinal ingredients are almost even more anchored in the culture of the Netherlands than tulips and windmills. A good reason for PostNL to publish a series of stamp sheets about traditional Dutch customs, products and dishes. How could the series’ title be other than “Typically Dutch”?

In the first quarter of 2020, three stamps with Dutch food were on the menu: smoked sausage in January, carrots in February and sprinkles in March. They were followed in April by stamps featuring tompouce (a combination of thick cream, crispy layers of puff pastry and a sweet thin layer of icing). And in the middle of June the issue will feature bitterballen (a kind of deep-fried meatball usually eaten as a snack).

New editions with Dutch dishes, customs and products will follow. “Typically Dutch” is the successor to the successful series “Beautiful Netherlands”, which PostNL has published for no less than 15 years.