Modelled on America’s “Liberty Bell”, the 10-ton “Bell of Freedom and Peace” featured on those stamps arrived at Schöneberg Town Hall (then in the Western Sector of Berlin) on October 21, 1950, having travelled from the United States via Bremerhaven and the military train station in Lichterfelde-West.

These stamps are among the thousands of new stamps added to PostBeeld’s stock in the past few months. 16 million Americans had donated money for the casting of the bell and signed a “declaration of freedom”. The bell’s inauguration speech by General Lucius D. Clay was transmitted on all stations of what was then considered by the West to be the free world on October 24, 1950. Still rung every day at noon, its chime is meant to serve as a reminder of the value of freedom.

1948 Berlin, Germany overprints

We have two mint, never hinged, sets and two unused, hinged, sets of these overprints now in stock.

Swaziland 1987.

The overwhelming rhino conservation success story is that of the Southern white rhino. The white rhino, shown on the above Swaziland World Wildlife Fund stamps, recovered from near extinction with numbers as low as 50-100 left in the wild in the early 1900s, this sub-species of rhino has now increased to between 17,212 and 18,915, with the vast majority living in a single country, South Africa. The Northern white rhino, however, has only two females left, after the last male, Sudan, died in March 2018.

Sri Lanka 1986.

Among the many WWF stamps already in stock and those recently added is this fine set from Sri Lanka, issued in 1986 depicting the Sri Lankan elephant. Yet another species threatened by man’s destruction of the animal’s natural habitat.

Aruba 2012

The Dutch Caribbean Islands are not often featured in the magazine, so beginning with the set of goats from Aruba above there follows a selection of those recently added to PostBeeld’s stock.

The stunning flora and fauna of the islands are often subjects found on the stamps and in recent years there have been beauties:

St. Eustatius butterflies, 2019.
St. Eustatius hummingbirds, 2018.
Saba’s native birds, 2019 – Saba is home to about sixty species of birds.
Saba 2018
Saba 2017, endangered species stamp sheet, the Nassau Grouper.
The same theme, Bonaire 2017, the Yellow-shouldered Amazon or Yellow-shouldered Parrot.


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