Home Discount offers Discount on Stamps from each Continent

Discount on Stamps from each Continent

Discount on Stamps from each Continent

As you may already know, PostBeeld regularly offers its valued customers great discounts on postage stamps and postal items.
Our currently-running special offer, valid up to and including the 2nd of July, involves periods when customers will be able to purchase stamps from particular continents with a 10% discount.

Until the 5th of June the first Continent on offer is Asia. This will be followed by (all dates inclusive):

  • Europe (from 3rd June to 11th June)
  • America (from 10th until 18th June)
  • Africa (from 17th to 25th June)
  • And finally Oceania (from 24th June until 2nd July)As you can see from the above dates, this also means there will be an overlap on four weekends when the offer will apply to two Continents.
    The 5-week offer might be particularly attractive to topical collectors – and, importantly, don’t forget PostBeeld’s additional volume purchase discounts will apply for all orders received.




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