Home Transportation Railways Taiwan Post issues Railway stampsheet

Taiwan Post issues Railway stampsheet

Taiwan Post issues Railway stampsheet

Taiwan-Trains-on-stampsThe souvenir sheet contains three stamps depicting the Hitachi 8-car 130 km/h tilting train. In 2008 the ROC government began electrifying the Hua-tung Railway in order to raise transportation efficiency so as to speed up economic development in Eastern Taiwan. To accommodate with this project, the government also graded it from a single track to double tracks at sections where there were bottlenecks and undertook to straighten its route. The project is expected to be completed in 2014.

After the completion of the electrification, the Puyuma Express trains will join the operation and bring a faster railway experience to the public.
To increase the public’s understanding of this transportation infrastructure of electrification, Chunghwa Post is releasing a souvenir sheet with three postage stamps.

Hitachi 8-car 130 km/h tilting trains on postage stam,ps

The three stamps feature the Hualien Station (NT$5), the Kecheng Bridge section (NT$12), and the Shanli Tunnel (NT$25) set against background images on the souvenir sheet of the Puyuma Express and the straightened elevated section of the railway in Yuemei. The images of the Puyuma Express and the Taroko Express running through fields both convey a great sense of movement. Also shown are the beautiful mountainous scenery of the East Rift Valley and the new local atmosphere that will be fostered with the completion of the railway electrification project.

Stamp information

Designer:  Tseng Kai-chih
Paper: Phosphorescent stamp paper
Issue Date: June 28, 2014



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