The card game Bridge is one of the most popular games in the world. Biritch, or Russian Whist, is thought by some to be forerunner of the modern game.
Bridge clubs and federations are to be found worldwide and the game is considered to be a great stimulant for those wishing to improve their power of memory and concentration. It is also one of the unusual subjects to be found on postage stamps.

In 1978 Barbados produced stamps to commemorate one of the World Bridge Federation’s regional championships, held in Barbados.

Lebanon is a member of the European Bridge League and it hosted the European Championships in 1962.

Lebanon also hosted a World Championship competition in 1965.

Amphilex was a large international stamp exhibition that took place a total of three times in the Netherlands: in 1967, in 1977 and in 2002. ‘Amphilex’ is an abbreviation of ‘AMsterdam PHILatelic EXhibition’ (Amsterdam Stamp Exhibition). The 2002 exhibition celebrated 150 years of postage stamps in The Netherlands. The three exhibitions were organised by the Philately Foundation and the PTT. The Philately Foundation was a collaboration between the Dutch Association of Philatelists-Associations (NBFV) and the Dutch Association of Stamp Dealers (NVPH).
On the Netherlands Antilles 1977 stamp sheet shown above are teams’ individual hands of cards, the WEST hand that of one of the greatest-ever Bridge players, the Italian Giorgio Belladonna.

Of course there are very many other card games played around the world and playing cards have been featured on a great many postage stamps.

The king and queen of hearts on a 1997 Poland stamp pair.

Skat is considered one of the best and most interesting card games for 3 players and has been described as “the king of German card games.” The stamp from 1986 commemorates 100 years of the German Skat Congress.

And finally below, from Czechoslovakia 1984. See the freestampcatalogue.com website for many more.