To commemorate the eclipse of the sun on 21 August 2017, Alderney Post in that year issued six special thermochromic stamps featuring six coastal locations in the world which experienced a partial eclipse.
The Alderney stamps shown in this article feature heat-sensitive ink which reveal full eclipses when warmth is applied, revealing the altitude and direction of the eclipse for each of the six coastal locations. Rather ironically the margin text also warns that to ensure colourfast longevity the stamps should be kept out of direct sunlight.

Alderney also previously produced the above stamps to celebrate the total solar eclipse of 1999.

Total solar eclipse stamps from Mauritania 1973.

Beautiful native art on this offering from Zambia in 2001 and, below, three stamps from Zimbabwe – both countries experienced the sun’s total eclipse in 2001.

On 11th August 1999 a total solar eclipse occurred which was visible in parts of Europe and Asia. One of the countries was Romania. On that very same day Luciano Pavarotti gave a concert performance in the Romanian capital Bucharest to celebrate the eclipse, a concert also known as Pavarotti’s solar eclipse concert. Romania duly issued a stamp to commemorate the event.

The Netherlands Antilles celebrated 1998’s total solar eclipse with a sheet including a hologram stamp. If this subject is of interest to you feel free to browse the freestampcatalogue section of PostBeeld’s website for many more eclipse items.