Animals, architecture, sport, famous people, flowers, transport ………
Which topic/theme is most popular among stamp collectors?
Without doubt animals are high on the list. An amazing amount of stamps have been issued over the years featuring birds, with dogs, horses and cats also proving to be popular.
But it is amazing how many stamps there are on the subject of the world-wide Scout Movement.

Also amazing was the growth of the organisation founded by Robert Baden-Powell, a British Army Lieutenant, in 1907.
Issued by Chile in 1982 to commemorate 75 years of Scouting and the 125th Anniversary of Baden-Powell’s birth.

In 1910, Baden-Powell and his sister Agnes Baden-Powell formed the Girl Guides from which the Girl Guides Movement grew.

It is now estimated that there are around 38 million Scouts and Guides worldwide, and 164 national organisations.

What’s your favourite topic? We are interested to know.