New stamps appear regularly with a variety of subjects. Below is a selection of recently-published stamps from around the globe.
From Malta, as part of the World Wildlife Fund’s endangered species series, this sheet features the Levantine Shearwater (puffinus yelkouan) also known as the Yelkouan Shearwater which breeds on the islands of Malta.

Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin, first man to orbit the earth in a space vehicle, features on this new issue from Russia. The 2009 postage stamp “the 75th Birth Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin” has an overprint of the new value of 31 RUB, and the stamp sheet margins feature the following text: “12 April 2016 — the 55th anniversary of the first human flight into space”.

The four stamps above are part of a 10-stamp set issued by Japan to commemorate the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen Line from Shin-Aomori to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto on March 26, 2016. This new service will shorten the travel time between Tokyo and Shin- Hakodate-Hokuto to approximately 4 hours 2 minutes.
To mark the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, Great Britain released this stamp pack. She has reigned now for 63 years.
Langoustine glazed with pickled spruce and Beetroot Barley Risotto with Atlantic Cod!
It’s making me hungry. Nordic Cuisine is the theme of this recent issue from Norway. The two dishes shown on the stamps can be sampled in the restaurant of the cruise ship Polarlys.