Guatemala is the only country in the world with its currency named after a bird.
Rather a shame that other countries haven’t followed suit. If you live in America you might have Cuckoos in your bank account, in Britain you could pay your rent in Robins, in France your shopping could cost 20 Finches and you could get your Tits out for a taxi fare in Italy.
In addition, the Central American Republic of Guatemala has featured what it adopted as its national bird on many postage stamps over the years. Indeed, as far back as 1879.

The bird in question is the Quetzal, particularly for Guatemala, the Resplendent Quetzal.

In ancient Mayan culture, the quetzal’s tail feathers were used as currency. But the quetzal, and for smaller denominations centavos, were introduced as currency in note and coin form in 1925, replacing the peso.