New stamps appear regularly with a variety of subjects. Below is a selection of recently-published stamps from around the globe.
In Turkey, this stamp was issued to draw attention to wastage. Literally translated, it states: “Do not waste bread”.
During the war in 1864 the Uruguayan town of Paysandu, controlled by the governing political party, was besieged by the Brazilians, who supported the Uruguayan opposition in their bid for power. This siege is commemorated in the following pair of stamps.
This year, naturally, many stamps have been released to mark the end of World War II. Below is an example issued by Slovakia. As in many Eastern European countries liberated by the Soviet Union, printed on the stamp is “Victory Day over the Fascists.” This is also evident in the picture, which shows the famous photograph of a soldier planting a Soviet flag on the Reichstag in Berlin in 1945.
Croatia issued this block featuring the 391-metre-long “Krka” bridge and the “Modrus 1” viaduct.
And also a special stamp (see below) celebrating the fact that this is the 1,000th stamp issued by Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post).
Hrvatska Posta began issuing stamps in 1991, after Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia.
The design of this 3.10-kuna stamp features different coloured rectangles representing all 1,000 stamps. Additionally, when viewed under ultraviolet light, the text “1,000th postage stamp of Croatian Post” is visible.
Macau has issued this series with fauna found in the local wetlands.
Equatorial Guinea controversially built a multimillion-pound deluxe “city” to host leaders of the African Union, who attended a Union summit – while the majority of its people live in dire poverty.
This “city”, Sipopo, boasts 52 luxury presidential villas, a conference hall, an artificial beach, luxury hotel and the county’s first 18-hole golf course. It took two years to build, to host an African Union (AU) summit meeting that lasted just a week. The country released the stamps shown below, depicting various aspects of the conference centre.
These colourful stamps come from the Australian Antarctic Territory and show the many beautiful skyscapes that can be seen on this icy continent.