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Blood Donors Wanted?

Blood Donors Wanted?
Bram Stoker stamp BulgariaIrish author Bram (Abraham) Stoker, who was born in a coastal suburb of Dublin in 1847, was the man responsible for creating one of the most famous characters in literature – Count Dracula. The book Dracula was first published in 1897 and since then many film and theatre versions have been made. The first was made in 1925 and was titled Nosferatu and featured the character Count Orlock.Stoker had died in 1912 and his surviving widow, Florence Stoker, sued the filmmakers – citing that she had been neither asked permission for the adaptation nor paid any royalty. Mrs Stoker demanded that the negative and all prints of the movie should be destroyed. The suit was finally resolved in the widow’s favour in July 1925 although some copies of the film survived and Nosferatu is now widely regarded as a cinematic classic.
Romania 2004, Dracula, Bram Stoker
The most famous film version of Dracula is probably the 1931 production starring Bela Lugosi.
Bela Lugosi on sdtamps Chad
Transylvania is an historical region of Romania and the place where Count Dracula’s fictional castle was situated. Consequently, in 2004, Romania issued this stamp set depicting Stoker and scenes from the novel.



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